Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chaperoning Way's Fruit farm trip

Today Noah, Tiff and I went with Noah's day care to the Way's Fruit farm.  Below is Noah and his classmates with his teacher.  As you can tell it was a cold day today.

I would have taken more pictures, but my batteries ran out.  We didn't just sit on the ride, they actually took us through the fields. :-D

First Pictures of Baby Benner #2

With a due date in late January, we had an ultra sound where they should of been able to tell the baby's sex.  Well the technician's are 75% sure it is a girl!  At the same time they took more ultra-sound print outs.  Here are all the pictures.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

We are pregnant and doing good

After some difficuties staying pregnant since Noah, we've finally made it to the 2nd tri-mester (well into it).  And for the most part we haven't been broadcasting it, but Tiff is hardly hiding it!!

Yeah, we had a first ultra-sound, and there is only one in there.  If you remember, Tiff was huge with Noah.  If you don't remember, I just posted a blog about it, go and check it out.