Monday, July 30, 2012

Noah's 3 Month MRI Check-up results

Words can't describe the disappointment I felt when the doctor told me a small growth is back.  I can barely remember the conversation with the doctor, and Noah during the entire time was playing a game "Minecraft Pocket Edition".  It is amazing how smooth kids take the news, but Noah did show more emotion this time calling it a "stupid brain tumor".

Anyways, today July 30th, 2012 we got the news there is a small growth with fluid pockets.  He will need surgery again (anytime between now and 4 weeks), and the doctor will be discussing the possible treatment afterward.  Yes there is a possibility he will need radiation or chemo this time around.  With the previous tumor having a 10% grade 2, the thought being this might be a little more aggressive tumor then first thought.

Unfortunately that is all I know for now.  I am emotionally spent and torn from the inside, that being said we only got the news today of the growth is back.

Until next time....

Noah had a brain tumor - pathology test results

It has been a while since I blogged about my son's experience with his brain tumor.  We anxiously waited the pathology tests for almost a full week, that is relatively short, it made us nervous.  The results were 90% benign, 10% grade 2.  Grade 2 means there shows some aggressiveness to it, but not a grade 3 which is considered cancer.  At this point in time there are no reasons to further treat him in any fashion.  We just need to wait until the 3 month MRI check-up.